E INK opts for THE BOX from LivingPackets

Business case
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Coline M.
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April 2024
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E INK opts for THE BOX from LivingPackets for state-of-the-art logistics

Since 2023, E INK has made the strategic choice to collaborate with LivingPackets by adopting THE BOX for its logistics needs between the Netherlands and Taiwan. This collaboration is a perfect example of the alliance between two innovative companies committed to offering high-performance, secure and environmentally-friendly delivery solutions.


E Ink is a brand of paper-based electronic display technology marketed by E Ink Corporation, co-founded in 1992 by MIT students JD Albert and Barrett Comiskey, MIT Media Lab professor Joseph Jacobson, Jérôme Rubin and Russ Wilcox.

The challenge

Looking for a logistics solution that met their performance and sustainability requirements, E Ink, our e-paper screen supplier, turned to the LivingPackets solution. The need to efficiently transport documents and high-tech equipment between the Netherlands and Taiwan required a secure and intelligent solution capable of meeting their specific needs.

A secure and intelligent solution

(Crédit photo E Ink, Netherland Foreign Investment Agency)

Our solution: THE BOX by LivingPackets

In December 2023, E Ink made its first shipment using THE BOX. Building on this success, the company quickly expanded its fleet to 5 THE BOXes to optimize traceability, secure deliveries and analyze its customers' itineraries. LivingPackets' solution won E Ink over thanks to its security, intelligence and traceability, while also offering a positive ecological impact, a crucial element for a company focused on sustainability.

The testimony

"It's hard to say what the biggest benefit of working with LivingPackets is, as I think it's a complete package. It's the responsiveness of the team, it's the analysis and visibility in the user interface, it's the alert when a fall is detected. And above all, it's a safe, sustainable and reusable solution for your shipping needs. I tracked my parcel all the way from the Netherlands to Taiwan, and The BOX kept me informed all the way. Working with LivingPackets, I don't have to compromise on performance or sustainability" said Jack Liu Senior Operations Manager.

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