LivingPackets, the startup that puts intelligence at the heart of delivery with its reusable packaging solutions, has just installed 566 solar panels on the roof of its building in Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire. In a context marked by a double crisis, environmental and energy, LivingPackets wanted to reduce its environmental footprint and contribute to the production of renewable energy in France.
Created with the aim of finding solutions to the environmental challenges posed by the rise of e-commerce - carbon impact of the supply chain, multiplication of packaging waste (cardboard and plastic in particular), LivingPackets has designed its premises in Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire to be as sober as possible. They are open to the outside on two sides to capture natural light and save energy in summer and winter.
LivingPackets used to consume 178,000 kW per year for its office, production, testing and common areas. Thanks to the 566 photovoltaic panels installed by Solewa, the building will produce approximately 258,316 kW. With storage batteries, LivingPackets will be autonomous thanks to these panels and will be able to resell the surplus produced.
"We wanted our building to be entirely dedicated to green innovation. From the design of our facility, it was obvious that it would house solar panels to minimize its environmental footprint. We wanted to use the maximum amount of space on our building rather than other renewable energy sources that could have been installed in ecosystems full of life," explains Denis Mourrain, LivingPackets CEO France.
14. Januar 2025
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