Nicolas Delaire appointed as Product Director

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Coline M.
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March 2024
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LivingPackets is delighted to announce the appointment of Nicolas Delaire as Product Director. His arrival marks the start of a new phase of development for the company, focused on intelligent and sustainable delivery solutions.

Nicolas Delaire appointed as Product Director at LivingPackets

His professional background: 

Nicolas Delaire holds an MBA in Management and Business Strategy from IFAG (management and entrepreneurship school). Before joining LivingPackets, he held various positions as Content Manager, Project Manager and Product Manager in a variety of sectors, including technology and the environment.

"I'm honored and excited to be joining LivingPackets and its fantastic teams. It's a unique adventure, both because of the company's project, which addresses a number of social and environmental issues, and because of the highly stimulating and challenging environment surrounding our innovative products. I'm looking forward to working with talented teams and playing a key role in shaping the future of LivingPackets", comments Nicolas Delaire, Product Director at LivingPackets.

His missions: 

His main mission is to gather, analyze and understand user needs in order to optimize the value of products. At the same time, he develops a strategic roadmap in line with the company's objectives. He also coordinates internal exchanges and collaboration between the technical, sales and communications teams.

"We are delighted to welcome Nicolas Delaire as our new Product Director. His role is key to defining product and software development projects for our connected, secure and reusable parcels. He oversees every stage, from design to market launch, and is attentive to the expectations of our customers and the market", explains Denis Mourrain, Managing Director of LivingPackets.

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