The limits of existing solutions #3

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Coline M.
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Februar 2024
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In recent years, the packaging industry has experienced significant growth, and is now at the center of consumers' increasingly demanding concerns. 

In this series of 4 articles, we will explore the packaging sector, examine current solutions, compare them and highlight their limitations.

The limits of existing solutions

The packaging industry in France represents a significant part of the economy, with an estimated value of between €30 and €35 billion. However, this economic importance is not without consequences for the environment. In response, the French government and the European Commission have introduced a range of legislation aimed at reducing the environmental impact of packaging, with a particular emphasis on recycling and reuse.

Packaging in figures (according to the latest ADEME study) : 1.5 billion = the number of parcels sent in France each year and 3 days = average lifespan of single-use packaging before it is thrown away

Towards Reuse: Challenges and Constraints

Faced with the scarcity and rising cost of raw materials, reuse is gradually taking over from recycling. As a result, companies are having to review their logistics strategy to comply with new environmental regulations. In particular, this involves reviewing the eco-design of packaging and limiting the use of superfluous products.

However, this transition to a circular economy is not without its difficulties. Rethinking logistics and limiting the use of unnecessary packaging are major challenges for businesses.

An Ethical Choice for Consumers, a Challenge for Logistics

As awareness of the importance of reuse and recycling grows, more and more consumers are prepared to change their purchasing habits in favor of environmentally-friendly packaging, even if it means paying more. On the logistics side, however, the relentless drive to cut costs is a major obstacle. This quest for profitability often leads to less environmentally-friendly solutions.

The solution: 

To meet these challenges, existing packaging solutions need to be rethought. One promising approach is to combine the packaging industry with today's digital economy to meet the challenges of modern logistics. This merger could encourage the reuse of packaging on a daily basis by devising solutions such as connected packaging.

Read the previous article: the different types of packaging

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