In a world in which every little action counts, it is essential for all companies to have a responsible approach.
Reducing our carbon footprint, using sustainable resources, preventing pollution, zero plastic, zero waste, ... All these ecological transitions are a major priority that continues to accelerate.
In this series of 5 articles we will explore the different issues of waste management inside companies.
Final episode
Numerous studies on waste management show that to move towards greener logistics, it is also necessary to have a more responsible and environmentally friendly supply chain.
Packaging is thus at the heart of this issue and is becoming an essential element for sustainable logistics. And for good reason... The tertiary packaging we know today is mostly single-use or made of non-ecological materials.
In order to use more sustainable packaging, companies favor partners and suppliers who share the same CSR values and who offer eco-responsible packaging for their shipments.
At LivingPackets, our packaging is eco-responsible, while enabling the construction of a preventative, smart and sustainable supply chain through our technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
In addition, and in order to best respond to the logistical challenges in the global waste management strategy, don't forget to reduce your environmental impact by choosing carriers using electric vehicles or even bicycles, to plan an eco-responsible transport strategy and to properly manage the processing of your waste throughout the supply chain.
14. Januar 2025
Unsere THE BOX angeschlossenen Verpackungen sind von der IATA validiert worden.
6. Januar 2025
In diesem Artikel finden Sie unseren Jahresrückblick 2024.
30. Dezember 2024
Wir haben auf der La Nuit de la Supply Chain die Goldmedaille für Green Supply gewonnen.
Füllen Sie das nachstehende Formular aus, und einer unserer Experten wird sich so bald wie möglich mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um Sie bestmöglich zu unterstützen.
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