Is traceability a solution for logistics?

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Coline M.
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January 2024
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Today's rapidly evolving logistics sector is facing new challenges. 

In these two articles, we look at whether new technologies are the new solutions for the logistics sector. #1 Traceability

Is traceability a solution for logistics?

Logistics has undergone a major transformation thanks to digitalisation, offering a more flexible, faster service and greater accessibility to data. This development has created new habits for consumers, who now expect to be able to track their parcels in real time, from purchase to delivery.

Current challenges in logistics management

However, one challenge persists in the tools currently deployed. It is becoming imperative to improve existing management systems to move from carrier tracking (which allows the consumer to track the parcel) to direct tracking of the parcel itself. This transition to more direct tracking promises to further optimise the logistics experience for all parties involved.

Implementing this alternative involves interconnecting all information systems, whether those of carriers, deliverers or others. This guides logistics players towards enhanced traceability through supply chain connectivity and digitalisation.

Supply Chain Connectivity

The Web and application programming interfaces (APIs) are taking over from electronic data interchange (EDI) in the processing of transport orders, giving logistics service providers direct access to e-retailers' flows.

It is also essential to provide accurate information about the parcel and to establish an effective connection between modes of transport and carriers.

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) plays an important role in the logistics sector. Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, as well as plotters and connected sensors are converging to create a truly intelligent logistics network accessible to all internal and external stakeholders, including consumers. Today, reliable, secure, real-time transmission of information has become the optimum solution for meeting the demands of these markets.

Companies operating in the agri-food, pharmaceutical, luxury goods and other sectors are now obliged to implement tracking and tracing technologies via the Cloud.

The information gathered at each stage of delivery will be accessible to all the parties involved, offering traceability that contributes significantly to reducing the risk of theft, damage or loss. 

These new technologies also make it possible to anticipate and optimize the number of parcels per transport, the routes to be taken, the most favorable time slots for delivery, the management of storage space, and last-mile delivery.

In short, digitalisation has profoundly changed the world of logistics, enhancing traceability. It has introduced greater flexibility, speed and increased access to data. This transformation has redefined the expectations of consumers, who now want real-time tracking of their parcels from purchase to delivery. However, the challenge remains in improving management systems for direct parcel tracking beyond carrier tracking.

Last article : Is digitalization a solution for logistics ?

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