In den letzten Jahren war die Welt der Logistik einem ständigen Wandel unterworfen und sah sich mit einer Vielzahl von Herausforderungen konfrontiert.
In this series of 6 articles, we analyze the issues and their impact on businesses. #4
Logistics faces many challenges, one of the most important of which is technology. Technology plays an essential role in the transformation of the sector, offering numerous opportunities for improvement.
In particular, it enables data exchange and facilitates product traceability. All this is made possible by advances such as artificial intelligence (AI), digitalization, automation, machine learning* and the use of Big Data.
One of the major benefits of new technologies is the ability to track the location of parcels in real time. This represents a major and positive change in the field of logistics. This innovative traceability also makes it possible to meet the challenges of reliability and offers increasingly secure and reliable delivery solutions.
Digitalization is playing a key role in the automation of the transport sector. The use of transport management systems (TMS) that are connected and open via application programming interfaces (APIs) means that data can be centralized, saving considerable amounts of time.
What's more, the introduction of new solutions such as Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and Order Management Systems (OMS) has become essential to all businesses. Companies wishing to offer their customers an omnichannel experience, improve after-sales service and optimize order fulfillment processes and KPIs simply need to adopt these new solutions.
As a result, carriers now need to adapt to the use of different algorithms and optimize route planning to ensure optimum loading of seedlings and thus keep costs down.
*Machine learning: This is a subset of artificial intelligence in which computers are able to learn from data and improve through experience without the need for explicit programming.
Last episode : The challenges of logistics #3: A sociocultural challenge
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