In a world in which every little action counts, it is essential for all companies to have a responsible approach.
Reducing our carbon footprint, using sustainable resources, preventing pollution, zero plastic, zero waste, ... All these ecological transitions are a major priority that continues to accelerate.
In this series of 5 articles we will explore the different issues of waste management inside companies.
Waste management is first of all justified from an environmental point of view: the best waste is the one we do not produce!
In a zero waste approach, the 5R is a golden rule. It consists in :
At LivingPackets we want to answer this challenge! our products make possible to Reject cardboard, Reduce carbon emissions (- 85%), as well as logistical waste, Reuse the packaging, which itself is 100% Recyclable. There is nothing left to compost.
To go further, we added an intermediary R that is placed between Reuse and Recycle: Repair all damaged products.
Next episode : 2. Waste management: a legal concern
14. Januar 2025
Unsere THE BOX angeschlossenen Verpackungen sind von der IATA validiert worden.
6. Januar 2025
In diesem Artikel finden Sie unseren Jahresrückblick 2024.
30. Dezember 2024
Wir haben auf der La Nuit de la Supply Chain die Goldmedaille für Green Supply gewonnen.
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